Sunday, April 24, 2011


     After much research online, I could not for the life of me find a significant figure for the stock price of AIG before the stock market crash in 2008. I did however find out that after the stock market crash AIG's stock fell by almost 95% to almost $1.25 per share, that is quite a drop. AIG received about 22 million dollars worth of TARP funding post 2008 crash. In 2008 it brought in about 668 billion dollars in total revenue and last year only brought in about 77 billion. That second number seems kind of weird to me, so if i'm wrong I hope somebody might correct me. Overall I don't know why we bailed out companies like AIG, especially after hearing that ridiculous figure at the end of "The Other Guys," about $2000 per man, woman and child? NO THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Hi?
    Useful infos that you've got about AIG.
    One thing, the AIG got $22 billion (with B) not millions on their TARP fund. And, they are paying back! well paid like $6.9 B.



